Note that improvement points will not apply to quality measures that are based on threshold values.
For quality measures that are awarded points based on their quintile distribution, nursing homes will be rewarded for achieving high performance as well as improvement from previous year´s performance. For measures with very narrow ranges of performance, two facilities may be placed in different quintiles and receive different points, but after rounding, the facilities may have the same rate. The results are not rounded until after determining the quintile for measures. Therefore, only a certain number of nursing homes are able to achieve these quintiles for each measure. The quintiles and results are based on the same measurement year. The NHQI includes 13 quality measures with each measure being worth a maximum of 5 points. The allotted 65 points for quality are distributed evenly for all quality measures. Quality measures are calculated from MDS 3.0 data, the CMS´ Payroll Based Journal Public Use Files (PBJ PUFs) and the Nursing home compare data. These measures are removed from the NHQI 2020 due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The NHQI score is reduced from 100 points (previous NHQI) to 90 points (NHQI 2020) reflecting the removal of the two employee influenza vaccination measures (Percent of employees vaccinated for influenza and Timely submission of employee influenza vaccination data). The NHQI 2020 score is worth a maximum 90 points. The 2020 Nursing Home Quality Initiative (NHQI) is comprised of three components: the Quality Component (quality measures), the Compliance Component (compliance with reporting), and the Efficiency Component (potentially avoidable hospitalizations). #Cms nursing home compare star rating portable
Methodology is available in Portable Document Format (PDF).New York State Department of Health 2020 Nursing Home Quality Initiative Methodology All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety.
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